Archive for December, 2008



the word ‘synekism’ comes from the greek word ‘synokismos’… ‘synoi’ part means ‘coming together of’ (as in synthesis) and the ‘kismos’ part coming from the greek word ‘oikos’ that means ‘house’… synoikismos would mean the condition created by the material fact of coming together of houses, or in a general sense, by the increasing denseness […]

another year-end, another poush mela, and another bout of listening to baul-s and fakir-s from across bengal performing…
poush mela is this fair that takes place during 23-25th December in shantiniketan, with shops selling clay pots to tractors, coffee and pastries to state emporia… since high school days, one of the major attractions has been listening to the baul-s and fakir-s…