Posts Tagged ‘delhi’



suddenly the cars and trucks passing by become metaphors of the obstacles and perils, and the street become the river or the sea or the subterranean chasms of moria…

both above 70… travelling in a ring road bus (delhi)…

all these pics are taken inside delhi metro cars… and they tell stories of spaces and genders… and often a single pic tends to tell multiple, even contradictory, stories…

this is not documentation… all the pics are constructed to tell the stories, like any other story telling medium… although by unaware actors…



the word ‘synekism’ comes from the greek word ‘synokismos’… ‘synoi’ part means ‘coming together of’ (as in synthesis) and the ‘kismos’ part coming from the greek word ‘oikos’ that means ‘house’… synoikismos would mean the condition created by the material fact of coming together of houses, or in a general sense, by the increasing denseness […]


